Diario de FullaBella, 17 sep. 14

Bella rested her hands on the steering wheel as she stared straight ahead and greeted the Police Officer with, “Well, Hello Temptation.”


“Believe it or not, Officer, I was on my way to the bar at the Best Western to have a drink. Or two. Probably too many. But on the way there I realized I don’t know anyone I could call to come drive me home. Which, was the reason I was headed there in the first place. I don’t have anyone.”

Bella continued as the officer shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “But I decided I’d just behave myself and go home. So that’s why I made a U-turn. I even announced out loud, ‘Temptation, get thee behind me’ and was feeling pretty good about my decision until I saw you behind me. And I thought ‘ahh, correction, temptation in front of me, and City’s Finest behind me.”

She handed him her license and insurance. She looked up at him and her reflection in his sunglasses displayed a pair of the saddest looking women in the world. She wondered if she’d be able to hold it together and not cry or go get drunk anyway if he wrote her a ticket.

“Go home Mrs. Bella. Next time, be more careful and wait for a legal turn.”

Okay, the truth is, I must have the hardest working Guardian Angel in Heaven because the U-turn to avoid the bar and quoting from the book of Matthew did happen but the police officer didn’t turn around to get me.

Thank you to my buddies for the journal nudge via PM’s. It’s been a heck of a week, seemingly endless without the weekend off, and it hadn’t occurred to me I was so far behind. Or as I explained in my response, “I have composed several in my mind but can’t seem to get the words out of my head onto the internet.’

All Things Food: huge fail last night but that's all. Daytime had been on track but at bedtime I went into full sugar zombie mode and ate the two or three servings of pineapple cake I’d saved for myself (after sending the rest over to Blondie's) followed by three 250 calorie chocolate chunk cookies. Calorically I did not exceed my RDI but if I were tracking sugar grams the pie chart would have exploded. Mmmmm… pie.

The trigger that had me driving toward the Best Western Bar was the conversation I’d had with my lawyer this afternoon. I’d updated him on the status of my latest business action (I’m a slumlord again! I rented one of my empty commercial buildings) and he commented I probably need to give him a list of ‘who to notify’ and ‘who has keys, etc’ in the event of .. well.. you know what.

I had to say to him, “No one has keys. Just break the door, pop the safes, and call Blondie when you’re finished taking whatever you want. She gets the rest. There is no one else.” That sort of hung in the air all sad and pathetic.

So I’m going to have to sit down tomorrow and list the ‘hit by a bus plan’ out for him. And I managed to make it through the evening a little sad but sober.

Otherwise, what else has been keeping me too busy to visit with my friends on FS? The trade show this weekend was slow but I did pick up a couple of customers so it was worth it. And as I buried a lead above, one of my commercial buildings leased today (coinciding with a great deal of misery with Blondie ...just roll your eyes and sigh and I’ll spare you those mind numbing details.)

The weather has cooled a little so I’ve been walking outside more. Mushy’s been enjoying it too. Last night I went to the country auction and was high bidder on 380 pieces of jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, earrings, watches, key fobs and pins) already on custom made display boards. It’s a ‘have jewelry, will travel’ type thing. It’s all costume and some of it will be bagged for those pinterest DIY folks but some of it was actually pricey.

I’d purchased it to inspire Blondie to reopen her resale shop that has been closed since Cutty passed. She continues to have one lame excuse after another. Even more frustrating to me is she won’t put the grandson’s in there and she could still rest in the back (she lives behind her store in the building she leases from me). There is a festival downtown this weekend and she’ll get a lot of foot traffic. But more excuses. That’s probably what led to the sugar attack. Yeah, that’s the story. That’s what I’ll blame. (Kidding.)

What else? Oh, I’ve decided to have a Memorial for Cutty on Nov 26th. This was decided for Blondie (before the building & jewelry debacle) because she has repeatedly told me she felt like she didn’t get closure. Yes, roll your eyes again. This isn’t about closure; it’s about the little drama queen wanting her moment in the spotlight. I’d apologize but it’s the truth. If you are new reading my journal please go back through the past couple of years where I’ve recorded some of her shenanigans before you call me out in comments.

But as my original plan for the Memorial this past January fell thru, I do want to go ahead and do it, period, for his family, friends, and business colleague friends. So Tuesday I began organizing it; not leaving it to anyone else after the screw up before. It’s ironic too. I truly love organizing things like this … you may recall the 65th birthday last year for him… and I keep thinking ‘oh, he’s gonna love that.. oh.. damn’. I feel like a ghoul as I’m enjoying planning a funeral of sorts. Weird.

Otherwise, I feel like I’m really on top of my game one minute; then everything shifts and I feel like someone else is at the wheel and I’m just sitting in the back seat wondering ‘where is this all going and are we there yet?’ I’d received a PM from a buddy here who reminded me I need to be a better friend to myself. It wasn’t voiced in that many words. It was more like ‘screw ups? what screwups?’ And I thought, “Now that, is a fantastic friend. I know they read and comment on my journal every time I post but can’t seem to remember the endless laundry list of screwups that have me feeling as if I’ve lost my mind these days.”

I found a website ‘The Art of a Beautiful Life’ and it has several different challenges. I printed out the 30 day challenge but haven’t made it past the first step. It’s a journaling challenge and the first was ‘how to be the magic in other’s lives’ and I’m stumped. I’m not asking for help with my homework (please don’t .. I’m trying to really answer the question) nor soliciting compliments. I do recognize I do nice things for people but ‘magic?’ So the challenge is indeed doing it’s job. Making me think. Now if only I could get Netflix to pay me for watching TV. My life would be complete.

So that’s the high and low lights of this week or forever how long I’ve been away. I’ll try to catch up with you all and thank you again for the PM’s.


12 Seguidores    Apoyo   

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Gosh I love unsolicited requests...the b/w I was watching was key largo. I'm a sap. On Netflix do not miss "the intouchables" its a French film with subtitles but I really loved it. I'm a sucker for a good documentary and music is a great love- do not miss- 20 ft from stardom, and muscle shoals....I am now giving up my career as siskall and ebert. If only Netflix gave kickbacks. Is this advice?? I hope not???!!!!  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: sharonfriz
Oh Bella, my only comment is to be the magic in your own life first. And don't get me started on Blondie. I don't even know her and I think she's a waste of your precious self. Hugs baby. I know you're still grieving the loss of that lovely man.  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: sarahsmum
Always love reading your journals. Your honesty is cathartic as I review my own emotions. And many times you remind me to just take it easy. Thanks. 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: mgrill
Sharon - I am hooked on 'The Blacklist' right now; Netflix had me at 'Spader.' Yep, if Netflix paid us to watch I'd be ... oh, let's face it, it'd be a job and not as much fun. Isabel - you're brilliant as that is the whole point of that first challenge. Identify how to be the magic in others lives so that I can be the magic in mine. Mgrill - I actually thought of you later, wondering if your husband would have let me go with such a story ... did you ask him? LOL. Just kidding. Thank you for the compliment. I struggle as I look back at my journals and think 'what a narcissist' and then I remember 'oh, yeah, that's the point of journaling.' Yeah, I try to remember the 7 Rule. In 7 minutes, 7 days, or 7 weeks, will it matter? Sometimes the minutes are the hardest to get through.  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: FullaBella
I cannot wait for the Blacklist to come back on. I think it does this week or next...haha. How do we figure out how to be the magic in our own lives? If you figure it out I would love to know the secret. Isabel said it very well and I don't think I could add to it. Thank you for sharing and being so straight forward - honesty is magic these days. Something that is very hard for people to produce.  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: jaime30024
It sounds like you have a lot of things going on and a lot of different emotions about those things, but you have such a good handle on reflecting back on those things and accepting those emotions. As for the Memorial, you should enjoy planning it because it is truly a celebration of a life. Death is a sad part of life, but that day is only one day out of a whole lot of other days in a lifetime, and for me I hope people remember all those other days and don't just dwell on the one. You are very inspirational because you just let your emotions out and deal with them and you know you might have some bad days, but that doesn't stop you. I'm glad you made that U-Turn and glad you didn't really get pulled over. :) 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: mars2kids
Jaime - I'm probably watching season 1 on netflix so NO spoilers, ok? I don't have cable here to watch it 'live'. I think we all have to figure out the secret on our own on being our magic. I will try to get the link to the article or maybe start working the darn challenge here. I don't know.. took 5 days to just get this journal up... LOL. Mars - I agree and it is a Celebration of LIfe... that's what we're planning here.. and I'm starting early so I can gather all of the magical things Cutty did and put them on display. The OCD in me will probably have a project management tracking sheet by the end of this week ... maybe even a white board. This is the only time I recognize when I miss corporate america ... the functionality of it. I just don't miss working for others, LOL. 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: FullaBella
No spoilers, Bella! Yes, I know you are right. Magic...not so easy, but your honesty is magic in, and of itself!!  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: jaime30024
Just love your journals, Bella. They are so entertaining. The conversation with the lawyer would have sent me to the bar too (and I don't drink). On top of that, they charge so outrageously. My lawyers have raised their rates (again, with no notification or as much as a courtesy announcement) to $415/hr. And every time I just say hello it's a 20min minimum $138 charge. I call one of my lawyers Mr. What-If because every sentence he utters starts with Well, what if.... in a frog-like high pitched tone it seems specifically to draw the conversation out and annoy me simultaneously. Ugh! Lawyers. The country auction sounds like a good time though. And I'm pleased that Mushy is finding comfort in this weather that, to me, might as well be frost. The memorial service sounds quite lovely. No words for Blondie. None needed, I'm afraid. LOL on the Netflix. You definitely need to be a better friend to you. HUGS! 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: Helewis
Oh, Angel, it's great to hear from you… still upbeat even as you struggle and your mood swings. You are such a great friend to me and so many others here… I hope you can find a way to befriend yourself and be the magic you are to so many of us! xoxox 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: Ruhu
I read this at 4 this morning and decided to come back and re-read it when I was actually awake. It's good to see a Bella journal. FS is not the same without them.  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: ChicaLean
You know what...I think my husband probably would have let you go with such a story...based on creativity alone. Applauding you for NOT going to the bar. 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: mgrill
Bella, you can adopt me. 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: notjune1
Jaime - thanks. I tend to be my own worst spoiler thinking ahead ... on the pilot I was going 'I bet he's her father' and then said 'shut up and enjoy the ride...' So don't tell me ANYthing, okay, LOL. Heather - thank you. My lawyer is actually a nice guy and I don't think is going to charge me for any of his recent advice. I'm fortunate that way. Then again, he's likely playing the long game with me hoping for the pot of gold as he gets first dibs on my estate. Angel - I was thinking you'd probably be too exhausted taking care of my spills and messes to visit with me, LOL. I read your journal and just applauded but forgot to comment. Well, mentally you got a standing ovation but I still need to go back and comment on how well you did getting home. You did indeed build a solid highway! Chica - 4am huh? I think that was about the time I finally fell asleep. I loved the idea of that thing you wrote; it was magical. McGrill - I'm not sure I was being creative.. just .. honest. Maybe I am magical as others have mentioned because of that truth .. I often wonder if it's too much for some people as I forget to be polite and cushioning. June - Hmmm.... have I mentioned Mushy is quite miffed that I got two FISH... Not sure how she'll adapt to another person being here. Then again, maybe I could just list FS in my will... distribute it all on percentages. Wouldn't THAT be fun!  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: FullaBella
You can do what my hubs and I are doing: skipping the ungrateful heirs for the most part, and setting up a trust for our puppies and cat. Why not set up a trust for Mushy? 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: notjune1
Welcome back! Apparently I have not cornered the market of Drama Queens. Cute story! had I been an unattached Officer of the Law, I would have probably asked you if you were doing anything special that evening. Haha! I mean, after all, you told him you didn't have anybody, and guys don't just happen upon intelligent and witty single females all that often. You're going to get yourself in trouble one of these days. :) 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: DairyKing
lol, dk. it was a pretty funny story. 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: Helewis
For what it's worth, I think it's lovely that you are still celebrating the life of the love of YOUR life. I don't so much see it as ghoulish.  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: Sweet Ce
June - I thought of that last night ... who in the world would take care of Mushy if I go first! I don't think my lawyer would do it... and blondie has those huge pit bulls... great, more worrying. DKing - yup, I had to come back and defend my title as the Queen of Drama's. I think I confessed about a year ago I have this childish teenage type crush on our Chief of Police... but it wasn't HIS vehicle and yes, the fact that I know that means I've probably stalked him a time or two, LOL. But the upside is, if he arrests me for stalking I'll just be closer to him, LOL. Wait, no, I think the jail is across town. Probably need to investigate that closer. Ceci - thank you. I continue to be my own worst critic that if I say anything funny about him dying or laugh or look like I am enjoying my life I'm being judged as I'm still in the mourning period. I considered it kind of sentimental I'm considering getting a black dress for the Celebration.  
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: FullaBella
There's a difference between reminiscing and mourning; when you get to the point where you feel you have to look like you're in mourning for other people's sake, then you won't be in mourning anymore. You'll know when. You never forget, but you do transition to a different stage in life. 
18 sep. 14 por el miembro: DairyKing


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