Diario de baskington

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03 diciembre 2018

I have not been posting my journal as I have really not been feeling well. ever since my episode with the chicken bone broth set my allergies aflame, my calves tightening up more and my other symptoms of itchy eyes etc set off every time I eat, even within my woe. to combat the calf problem I have been drinking coffee to offset the calf tightening (weird that it works) and set off my brain fog worst.

needless to say my body has been in inflammation mode and I have gained about 2.5 of fat! Really tired of testing things and paying for it. I have pretty much been back on my beef and beef fat the majority of the time. I had a more normal meal yesterday with the pan taco. not too bad on the legs. I enjoyed the hot sauce!

Today I decided since I was not really my normal starving self to see how long I could go without eating. and to test eating just fat to see how my calves and other symptoms reacted. My calves tightened up slowly but not as tight as when I have my normal high fat high protein steak. But my eyes got worst and still bother me an hour later.

Tonight I will test the steak and see how a slighter amount of fat does with the steak. I was way under my calories yesterday so eating close to my maintainance or below a little won't hurt with the excess fat gain. my glucose levels have been much lower today.

I feel better today then I have for a while until I ate. too bad I can't just fast all the time!

27 noviembre 2018

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
58,9 kg 11,9 kg 0,8 kg Bien
   (7 comentarios) Ganando 1,4 kg a la Semana

26 noviembre 2018

okay pity party is over! Thanks for the support yesterday, I was just feeling a little overwhelmed. If it is not bad enough trying to recover from the healthy bone broth and all the painful knots all over my body which will take weeks to fully settle down I got constipated which adds to the mess with back labor type pain.

Since sugar does not effect me, I had a cup of coffee with sugar and my mind brightened and I got a good nights sleep! took care of business this morning too. So definitely feeling lighter though my morning scale reading did not make me happy. see how it is tomarrow to record any true gain.

I am starting back some exercise, I really think I have a good handle on my calorie intake now around 1600 at my current macro's. It stays pretty steady up and down the same pound. I just will have to make sure I don't go under my calories with exercise.

Just for the heck of it I used the last of my keto strips to test the coffee with sugar. I should have tested fasting first without coffee but my reading was 1.6 k and 4.8 g after one hour. 2.5 hours later my ketone was 1.2 and 5g, at 4 hours I think my ketones were being eaten and the reading was .9 k and 4.8 g. still have not figured that out. so pretty much showed me that for me,,,,, a teaspoon of sugar does not knock me out of ketosis. sugar is only a problem for me when combined with other carbs. but I also did not push the envelope to also eat during this time. I would not have been able to tell what changed things.

I have a new game plan and will see how things work. I react to everything I eat at this point and have for this period, it is a matter of eating what I react the least too. What I have learned is chicken and I are not friends, pork is just as bad for me in the reaction department. Beef is the best but it does cause my calf muscles to tighten, coffee somehow opens up the passageways in my legs. weird but true.

I am getting a new order in this week of my safe grassfed products, and I think I will try a few days of lamb to see how this effects my calves and overall sensitivity symptoms. I know I have less reaction to the beef grassfed meat but maybe with lamb I will do better.

25 noviembre 2018

yuck, I just have not felt like myself the past few days. It started on thanksgiving, I guess the turkey just did not agree with me. the skin smelled rancid to me and I did not eat a lot that day. The cravings from the little extra potato did not do me well either. Now I don't even want my coffee but have it anyway. that is bad of me. my cravings for chocolate are still with me, but I have been eating well and staying within woe. I did break down and bought some chocolate semi's to make homemade chocolate chip cookies if my self destructive mood does not change. If I am going to have something it has to be primo and nothing is better than my old fashioned recipe for REAL chocolate chip cookies. It will be my choice to make or not.

my whole system is off which pretty much makes me hibernate duck instead of my bubbly mood. I think I need to get out of the house more this week and get some fresh air and fresh perspective. got to change something so will be thinking on a new game plan to add a spark! I am more tired of the fish than ever and this is dragging on me to. definitely need a change of pace!

23 noviembre 2018

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!

I had a nice time with my son and daughter in law yesterday. We are not into a lot of fancy stuff at Thanksgiving, they don't eat deserts and don't like the fixings for thanksgiving so I just made the basic's, turkey, mashed potato's and corn. the turkey was stuffed and most of that hit the garbage disposal!

My husband made his cucumbers in mayo and vinegar, it is highly seasoned with pepper and I did have a couple bites along with about a half cup of potato's. that is the extent of my spurge for the meal. Normally I only have a couple bites of potato and it does not seem to bother me. but that half cup did set off a craving and I wanted chocolate. I swear if it had been in the house I might have endulged.

Back to normal today! Maintenance has been good, staying in my 127+ to 128+ range.

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