Diario de MWard52

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15 mayo 2024

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
89,4 kg 2,2 kg 25,9 kg 100%
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 14,0 kg a la Semana

14 mayo 2024

Two weeks since I last recorded anything and my weight is back to where I started from.

What went wrong?
On April 9th my doctor challenged me to lose 5 to 6 pounds in the next three months. I was highly motivated to achieve this goal and beyond. I had been following a low FODMAP diet which has nothing to do with weight loss but is a tool to help isolate exactly which foods are causing gut problems or IBS. That has gone well and my digestion has improved, but on the weight loss side of things I started to follow a 5:2 fasting plan. This usually means that you eat "normally" five days a week, but on two non-consecutive days, you reduce your calories by 75% which for most women means something in the neighborhood of only eating 400 to 500 calories a day. In my case, since I find it easier to eat nothing at all than just a little bit, I fasted completely for 36 hours for two days a week. I allowed myself black coffee, black tea, and water, but no sweeteners or flavorings of any kind. I was worried that this might cause me to binge eat on the eating days, but I was pleasantly surprised that it did not. I did this for two weeks and completed four 36-hour fasts in 14 days. This resulted in a 5-pound loss in two weeks.
But then things took a turn. I could not seem to make myself skip food for another day. I would get hungry early in the day and I'd give in to eating. At about the same time I started to experience symptoms of a UTI. I have had a long and hard battle with recurrent UTIs that are very painful. This has been going on for many years and one finally landed me in the hospital for three days of IV antibiotics. I've been under the care of a urologist ever since and after some extreme measures this agony went into remission for 5 glorious years. Then last year they returned - only two in the year, but that's two too many. The return of symptoms put me in a very poor frame of mind. I went to the doctor and was put on a week-long course of antibiotics which is a two-edged sword. It cured the infection, but it screws up my gut microbiome and makes me susceptible to a vicious cycle of recurrent problems. I got to feeling very sorry for myself and soothed myself with extra food indulgences. This triggered a full-on binge eating for three days in a row.

The only thing to do now is pick myself up, dust myself off, and begin again. I think I'm going to drop the 5:2 thing and just go for three meals a day, nothing in between, one day at a time.
One tool that has helped me in the past is to write down a hypothetical menu plan for the next day every night before bed. This helps to avoid last-minute decision-making when I'm hungry. I never make good decisions when I'm hungry.
Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
91,4 kg 0,2 kg 27,9 kg Poco
   Agregar Comentario Ganando 1,4 kg a la Semana

01 mayo 2024

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
88,8 kg 2,8 kg 25,3 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 3,2 kg a la Semana

29 abril 2024

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
89,7 kg 1,9 kg 26,2 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Ganando 0,1 kg a la Semana

23 abril 2024

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
89,6 kg 2,0 kg 26,1 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 0,6 kg a la Semana

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