Diario de FullaBella, 16 dic. 12

Yay - finally committed to buying a treadmill - should be delivered and assembled tomorrow afternoon. Have been browsing 'walking' music today. I'm excited - a word I never thought I'd use when thinking about exercise. I am definitely going to need my exercise addict buddies to help me stay this way.
Dinner out last night - ate mindfully but it was a Tuscan platter (cheese / meat / bread) so ... I dunno. I thought we were going for seafood and was looking forward to boiled crablegs and eating the meal. With the uncertainty of the cals of the cheese platter except high fat high carb and only olives for veggies I felt the need to tread lightly.
Later at home I was hungry and there was no 'mindful' eating - just unabandoned plating things I 'know' and shoveling. I stayed in RDI but am bothered by it. I haven't identified it completely. Maybe I felt like I was back at the All You Can Eat Buffet buying a meal I couldn't eat only to have to supplement it with additional food later that I could? Conclusion - I'm putting my foot down on these restaurant choices. Healthy choices or I'm staying home. So there. LOL.

Ver Calendario de Dieta, 16 diciembre 2012:
1141 kcal Grasa: 27,03g | Prot: 49,30g | Carbh: 191,70g.   Desayuno: Schwans Blueberry, Creamer, Flax Seed, Plain non fat yogurt, Coffee, Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal. Almuerzo: Chicken Asparagus Soup, Spinach, Fresh Express 3-Color Deli Coleslaw, Fat Free Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing, Tomato, Mushrooms, Cucumber. Cena: Apple. Pasa Bocas / Otros: Basic Four, Grapefruit, Almonds. más...
2304 kcal Ejercicio: Durmiendo - 24 horas. más...


I am so glad that you got your treadmill! I hope you are able to work out a walking routine that fits you! As to eating out - I am right there with you! Eating out is such a game of calorie roulette that I dread it! It is far easier to control portions and cooking methods at home - the delicious egg white omelette with fat free cheese from home turns into a butter laden, overly cheesy, calorie laden food at a restaurant. And so tough to enter into my food log! 
16 dic. 12 por el miembro: RiverRes
I hope you enjoy the treadmill. I bought an elliptical a little over a year ago and it is great to have an exercise machine in the house! >>Conclusion - I'm putting my foot down on these restaurant choices. Healthy choices or I'm staying home. Fantastic mindset, this is my personal approach too. There are exactly 3 restaurants in the Denver metro area that I allow myself to visit and only because at each one I know the exact nutritional content of what I am getting and I know that it will be filling while fitting in with my caloric restriction. Part of what makes this so easy for me is that I am a vegetarian who doesn't eat eggs, so there are so very few restaurants that I can eat at anyway. :) 
17 dic. 12 por el miembro: Savaticus
Thank you Angel Ruth and Savaticus - my plan is get up a half hour early and treadmill before the 'eh why bother' Gal wakes up ((she's a slacker)) at least 15mins a day and in 21 days ((like the oatmeal)) it'll be a habit. My optimistic Gal plans to be able to run on it :::: cue theme to Rocky :::: Yeah - I like the journal because when I started my restaurant vent I wasn't sure what I'd conclude but was glad I reached something with a fair compromise - I will no longer agree to go to restaurants and pay for foods I choose not to eat as a meal. A sample of something is great but for $60 I want more than a cube of cheese and 7 tiny olives. I'm proud I have my 'choices' firmly ingrained - these have been good reinforcements of my resolve - but enough already. I've learned to have my cake and eat it too bug I'm not going to go to bakery for dinner anymore. At least - not if I'm paying.  
17 dic. 12 por el miembro: FullaBella
Thanks for this entry. I had a treadmill but it finally died. It was wonderful having it. I actually used it too! I made one simple rule that I had to follow correctly or I would not have had any success with it; no hanging jackets, towels or ANYTHING on the treadmill. It was to be used as an exercise machine, not a coat rack! As for dining out...don't you find it odd that you now have to ask for a calorie menu in lieu of finding it on the table with the other menus? It chaps my hide when I have to hunt for a simple calorie list! And as you say, at $60 a plate, I'd enjoy having a meal that won't screw up my healthy choices for the day!  
17 dic. 12 por el miembro: philanddeb
You know Deb, it never occurred to me to ask for a calorie menu - so thank you for the comment!  
17 dic. 12 por el miembro: FullaBella


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