Diario de FullaBella, 28 feb. 13

Willie Nelson: Ain't it funny ...how time slips away

Actually that has nothing to do with the virtual test pattern that is my brain path today but I can't get the song out of my head so maybe it means something. I was reflecting on 'how things change' so maybe that's what started it.

This morning I went for a lab checkup - one that I requested. Three times. It was frustrating to get it done and by the third go around I was wondering if Karma wasn't telling me 'save your blood, save your money, and just keep doing what you're doing.'

A year ago I would have (and did) say 'NO' whenever the Doc asked for an annual lab. Now here I am, 90 days after the last one, requesting it by choice. Oh, how I live for positive reinforcement.

I'm hoping to see an ever better cholesterol and blood sugar than in Nov12. I'd like science to verify that my efforts to eat even better than I was 90 days ago in addition to adding exercise to my day hasn't gone in vain.

I'm wondering if I'll lose my mind if it's gone back in the other direction. My good friend Teri was doing everything she could & should do and still had a medical issue. Doesn't seem fair. What if the Health Fairy says 'so what, you mistreated your body for most of 40 years ... you think 6months of goodness should yield immortality?'

Anyway - enough of that thinking. I'm just going to hold positive thoughts the right numbers are lower and/or higher and all will continue to remain well in Bellawood.

Interesting observation of human nature and my own behavior while waiting this morning. When I went to the Lab in November I was so very naive thinking 'well, the lab opens at 8, I'll be there at 8 and be probably first or second in line.'

Wrong. Oh so very wrong. When I arrived at 7:58 the line was already 15 folks deep. You'd have thought they were standing in line for Willie Nelson tickets or something. (Hey, maybe that's where the song is coming from?)

So this morning my plan was to be really slick and get there at 7:40. I got myself around and out of the house early.

But, I didn't plan on it being 37 freaking freezing degrees outside because it seemed warm and comfortable in my backyard! So I pulled up to the building and noted 'no one in line' then looked around at all the other 'sharks' sitting in their cars doing the same: staying in where it was warm.

I wondered: "who will be the first to pull the trigger" and if the parking lot would then resemble a feeding frenzy as soon as the first person decided to get in line. I found myself sitting with my hand on the door handle as I scanned the lot and then thought:

"What the heck are you doing?"

I was warm and comfortable with my seat warmer and quite frankly, in no hurry to return home. MH is in one of his less than endearing moods today. I had two hours before I needed to open the shop. Why not SIT, relax, and just be quiet. And Warm.

Then I reached for my Kindle, but put it away. I was enjoying the rare unscheduled quiet time just thinking and observing human nature while reflecting on my own.

Eventually though, my stomach started growling and I noted the sign of hunger. As it was nearly 3 hours after my normal 'feeding' time ~ no wonder (I was doing a fasting blood draw). So I thought, 'okay, you got the cheese in your bag for 'after' but how long do you want to push the 'before?'

I probably killed another half hour just watching the people until I decided I was moving close to being labeled the 'weirdo parking lot stalker gal' so I turned off the car, left my wonderful warm seat, and went inside.

$250 later ~ I wished I had skipped this whole process on failed attempt #2 to get the order. I will probably tell my Vet, er, ah, Doc ... "if it's worse, I don't want to know...." My appointment isn't until next Friday.

That's it. That's all I got today.

Have a great day!


Ver Calendario de Dieta, 28 febrero 2013:
1544 kcal Grasa: 79,35g | Prot: 89,03g | Carbh: 127,90g.   Desayuno: Spectrum Flax, Nostimo, Kraft Jalapeno String. Almuerzo: Ham, Marc Almonds, Sartori, Navy Beans, Cornbread. Cena: Original Corn Chips, Chili. Pasa Bocas / Otros: Simply Kraft Cottage Cheese, Strawberries. más...
2058 kcal Ejercicio: Durmiendo - 24 horas. más...


$250 for blood work. Ugh. Being a Canadian, I've never had to pay for those things. But then, we probably wouldn't be allowed to request follow-ups every few months, either, unless there was a justifiable cause. I hope the results give you the encouragement you are seeking. Diet and exercise are powerful treatments (and the best prevention) for many of our modern health issues. Heredity plays a big role, too, but a bum deal from the gene deck does not guarantee we lose the game. There's always an ace up our sleeve! 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: evelyn64
@Evelyn - LOL gal, are you watching the World Series of Poker while you read journals?? Yeah, being without insurance has it's costs. I can think of so many other things I could have / should have used that $$ for right now ~~ live & learn. Ante & Raise. Down the River and out on Sixth street :-) 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
Stay positive my friend! You are fighting such a good fight & doing all the right things, so I can't imagine you'll get anything but wonderful results. And, even if you do, you know you are on the right path & have had so many wonderful accomplishments. Plus, we are all here for you, cheering you every step of the way! xoxox 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: Ruhu
Bella, I keep reading your journals now that I found you and get amazed everyday! I wanna read everything!!! You should write a book after this journey! Keep the good work, you're a great inspiration to me! 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: Re Becca
Hi Bella, as always you make me smile. Fingers crossed that the blood work comes back 'normal'. Normal or not your efforts are not in vain, you feel better, you look better and you are giving us on FS hope for the future - who would have thunk it! 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: sarahsmum
My 90 day numbers were pretty much the same - except my Cholesterol total went up because I had stopped taking the statin and was not exercising. I promised myself I would not go back until I get my exercise in line. The one good thing was my Happy HDL # was really a lot higher which is a great thing. Since I eat more fat and protein than carbs I expect my cholesterol to be a little higher but hopefully in the future it will get lower with more weight loss. I guess we could be happy with just doing the right thing and let the chips fall where they may! 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: Neptunebch
It sounds like it was a pain in the ass but I really LOVE that you are seeking positive reinforcement. That sounds so healthy...you are doing a great job taking care of you. Awesome bella : )  
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: sharonfriz
At least you had that seat-warmer to ease that pain in the ass, lol. I'm loving your journey & the fact that you see fit to share it with us. My numbers did a dramatic drop, but my blood work was done after several months. Being active helps, so your treadmill time will pay off as well as your healthy eating. 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: crabby Kat
@Angel - I'm trying to be positive but today has been the day from somewhere even south of Hell! MH has been off the chart irritable and about 11am I finally told him 'that's IT, you've completely depleted my ability to channel my inner cheerleader! And yes, I know the WHAT and they WHY but right now it's WHOCARES! Agggghhhh!  
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Becca - thank you ~ I feel like I write a book every day with my ever so long journals, LOL. But, eh, by the time editors and the grammer police cleaned up my sad form it'd lose all meaning :-) But thank you anyway. 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Isabel - the blood sugar should definitely be better as I've eliminated the simple carbs as much as possible. I hope the fact that I increased my fat intake didn't affect my cholesterol as all those diet gurus told us for 30+ years. Not exactly sure why they wanted urine 'now' as they've never asked for it in the past but was glad I'd had a large bottle of water early this morn..ooops... TMI, sorry! 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Neptune - the Vet had put me on that statin right out of the chute and that's what led me to this BellaTrip ~ the statin had me writhing in the floor with such bad full body cramps I was praying for an exorcist! Another chip reference aye... are you playing poker with Eveyln? LOL  
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Sharon - yeah, I sat there trying to figure it out and questionning myself 'hmmm... you're always of the mindset that ignorance is bliss when it comes to medicine, why now...?' Again, I think I just needed to know if anything had improved with the 90 days. If the levels hold steady or improve I'll probably go back to the Bliss and just move forward in my own vintage haphazard mode ~~ with all of my friends advice here, of course. 
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@KitKat ~ you know, I was thinking that 'if my numbers don't drop, will I still treadmill... do it more.. do it less...' I tell ya - why is life like an eye chart exam .. better... same... worse...?  
28 feb. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella


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