Diario de melissatwa, 19 dic. 20

I had a nice walk today. 10 miles at a fairly good clip felt really good. I saw these interesting berries. I think they look like perfect little Christmas decorations! Kitties for LaughingChevre!

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Those are cool looking berries. Glad you had a nice walk. 
19 dic. 20 por el miembro: Katsolo
10 miles?! Wow!!! That's tremendous!!! There's no way I could walk that far! Great job Melissa!!!! Hope your knees are feeling better!!! I found romanian deadlifts cause me too much pain so I've limited my leg workout to extentions and curls. I also found 10 -30 min on the recumbent bike is manageable but I have had burning in one knee a few years ago when I did it. But haven't had any issues lately. I've been trying to do some side stepping like they would in aerobics class because you mentioned IT band issues occur from too much forward motions. I adore your cats!!! They look so content! Those berries are beautiful!!! They do look like ornaments! So, nice to see you checking in every now and then!!!  
19 dic. 20 por el miembro: bearnoggin
Thank you, Katsolo! Bearnoggin, I was really thankful I could walk today. I have only been going for a bit more than 4 miles a couple times a week, but on the flat it was much less stress on my knee. I used to make it my goal to walk 40 miles a week, but then I started at the gym and running and cut my mileage back. Maybe putting in more miles will help me balance things out a bit now that lifting heavy is harder with my knee. I am glad you are doing alright using the bike for now. I have been working on those side exercises too... I have a long list of different things I am trying now from PT. :) We love our very spoiled and sweet kitties too! I have absolutely no idea what that plant is called. It was so exotic and beautiful. I have never seen a bush like it with bright lavender colored berries.  
19 dic. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa
Yes, that plant is very unique looking! Glad you're hanging in there!!!!  
19 dic. 20 por el miembro: bearnoggin
I love your fur babies!!! The one looks similiar to Buddy!!!! I miss Buddy very much!!! On a happier note Merry Christmas Melissa to your entire family and furry friends!!!🙂🎄🎄🎄🐈🐱 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: Maine coon
Thank you, MC! Merry Christmas to you too. I so wish you didn't have heartache right now. I hope you are able to enjoy some cheery times this season. ❤️⛄🎄 These two fellows are very loved. ❤️ 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa
Melissa, are the berries really that color? Wow! Those cats are just beautiful. I don't think I could ever tire of observing cats being themselves. 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: LaughingChevre
Also, 10 miles is a long walk! It sounds like your knee is getting better, hopefully...? 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: LaughingChevre
10 freaking miles? WOW! Please let's not go for walks when I visit. hahahaha. I have a feeling I will want to die. Those berries are really cool! And the cats are cute!  
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: davidsprincess
Well done on the walk but don't overdo it my friend. Pretty berries, lovely cats! Merry Christmas Melissa, 2021 is going to be a fantastic year! 💚🏡🎄 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: shirfleur 1
No way you can miss Canada when you can for walks and see those things in December LOL. And what a long walk... Walks are the best. Hope you will have a good Sunday 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: liv001
Very interesting berries! I’m happy to hear you can manage extending your walks this far. The PT must be helping. I hope you are listening to your body and not overdoing. Merry Christmas Melissatwa! 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: TomLong
Melissa my dear friend, thanks for the beautiful and cozy pictures! I hope you have a Happy Holiday full of love and peace! I wish you all the best to you and your beautiful family. Also wish you and your children a new year full of blessings and success!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: Sassy_Sabby
Merry Christmas Melissatwa! You warmed everyone’s heart!❤️🎄 You’re lucky to have two of the most beautiful cats! They seem so content! 😊♥️♥️♥️♥️ 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: Shrewdness
That is a "beautiberry" or Calicarpa. I have one in my yard and the birds love the berries 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: Bobbie Lindekugel
Beautiful and tempting berries. Glad you're enjoying your walking. It's Becc@, using a different name. 💕 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: _bec_ca
Very nice you should be a photographer if you are not already be blessed 😊 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: jenny3781
I think this might be it I think it's called an American beautyberry tree it was so pretty I had to look it up have a great Sunday be blessed https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/products/american-beautyberry?variant=13940839907380&gclid=Cj0KCQiAifz-BRDjARIsAEElyGJnOAQtIkr4uFi74Ob5usCQVNIHjN97gNUSeHVU2d8i4u1dshfdzrEaArBOEALw_wcB 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: jenny3781
LaughingChevre, it is such fun watching their antics. They can go from being chill or cuddling to dashing around the house at full speed chasing each other and wrestling. My knee isn't perfect at all, but I've stopped waiting thinking to not use it much will make it feel better. The walk didn't make it worse, so that is a win! Yes those berries are so brilliant! I am thankful a couple people could recognize what they are! 😁  
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa
Princess! Imagine 2.5 hour to chat and walk! That would be fun for sure! Walking is easing my guilt to not be lifting hardly anything. I know it isn't a replacement at all, but... It is something. Thank you, Shir! I don't think I overdid it. Doing squats or lunges or even deadlifts seems to really bother the stupid knee, but warming it up slowly and massaging it afterward seemed to help me manage a good walk. Liv, I miss Canada for many reasons, but I am thankful for the relatively balmy winters here. I think I am going to try and make a last rose bouquet today. It should last until Christmas if I cut the last bids and blooms today. I 
20 dic. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa


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