Diario de melissatwa, 31 ene. 21

Registro de peso (no entrada de diario) del 31 enero 2021
67,4 kg Disminuído hasta ahora: 19,2 kg.    Aún para ir: 0 kg.    Dieta seguida: Bien.
Ganando 0,6 kg a la Semana

32 Seguidores    Apoyo   

Have not seen you in days. Hope all is well in Twa territory!! ❤️🙏 
31 ene. 21 por el miembro: wifey9707
Thank you, wifey. Hanging in there. New job is making things busy for me. Life here is pretty much the same. Lots and lots of drama and chaos. 🙄❤️  
31 ene. 21 por el miembro: melissatwa
Well congrats! I did not know you had a new job. That’s wonderful, I hope it goes well and the chaos goes away! 🥰🥰 
31 ene. 21 por el miembro: wifey9707
Thanks wifey! ❤️  
31 ene. 21 por el miembro: melissatwa
Hope you're new job is going well! Miss you on here ❤ 
02 feb. 21 por el miembro: SherryeB
Thank you, Sherry! You are a dear. I feel badly being so behind supporting and following my friends' journals. I'll be around as I can! 🌹🤗❤️ 
02 feb. 21 por el miembro: melissatwa
Don't worry if you're busy. Just check in every so often so we know you're OK. 
03 feb. 21 por el miembro: SherryeB


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