Diario de melissatwa, 21 ene. 23

Registro de peso (no entrada de diario) del 21 enero 2023
70,9 kg Disminuído hasta ahora: 15,7 kg.    Aún para ir: 2,9 kg.    Dieta seguida: Bien.
Perdiendo 0,1 kg a la Semana

32 Seguidores    Apoyo   

Hanging in there my friend! 🌹 
21 ene. 23 por el miembro: shirfleur 1
Hi Melissa! ♥️ 
21 ene. 23 por el miembro: Groatmeal
Thank you, shir! Just hanging in there. 😁 Groatmeal! Good to "see" you!  
22 ene. 23 por el miembro: melissatwa
Hi, Melissa! 
22 ene. 23 por el miembro: Draglist
23 ene. 23 por el miembro: Nikina70
congratulations to you melissatwa  
23 ene. 23 por el miembro: buenitabishop
Hi Melissatwa! 
01 feb. 23 por el miembro: TomLong
Hello! Now we have a new month to work with! I am really struggling with my weight! Reading your post from January 1 really hit me! I, too, must recommit myself to the journey! Let's GOOOOO!! 💪 💯 🌎 🫶 ☘️ 
01 feb. 23 por el miembro: 3dkids2
Thanks so much, folks, for your support. I'm actually having a decent time keeping my calories in check and I've worked in a few walks and weight lifting is starting to happen again... Slowly. 3dkids2, seeing a new month does somehow help. We can do it! I hope you are well and your start of February is great... And the end shows some progress for us!  
05 feb. 23 por el miembro: melissatwa
Came to check on you. Sure miss hearing about you and your wonderful family. Was wondering the other day how the new little bride is making out. Hope she’s well and things are smooth!! xo 
17 feb. 23 por el miembro: wifey9707


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