Diario de FullaBella, 13 jun. 13

And the light finally dawned on Bubble-Head as I resolved the inner conflict of walking to the market daily by abandoning another 'old, bad habit'.

It felt inefficient and questionable to go daily to only pick up one or two things because decades of 'superstores' and 'one stop shopping' brainwashed me that if I wasn't hauling home a carload I wasn't doing it right.

My great grandmother didn't go out to the yard and kill enough chickens for the week; it was one meal at a time and she sent me to the garden to pick a single tomato and onion for the dinner salad, not a whole bag full for salads all week.

But little by little supersizing and canned goods by the case and what do you know, I'm hauling 10-12 bags of groceries home every week. For mainly two people. Talk about unnecessary.

Our little market may not have every thing, brand, variety offered at the superstore. They don't carry fresh spinach. I don't know why, they just don't. Maybe I should ask them to stock it.

As I began to negotiate that thought this morning with 'well, I can always go back to the big store for those things' my other voice answered 'Why? So what? Do you really need it?

So my personal goal or challenge is to purchase all of our groceries from there for the next month, minimum, with an option to renew. Support my local downtown market, get my exercise, and open my mind to different foods and making the most of what is available.

I'm excited. Refreshed. Every little brush stroke I make on a canvas when painting changes the result. The same thing happens with my life.

Saw (the following) yesterday and liked it so thought I'd share. Have a great day.


Seven Logics for Peaceful Living:

*Make Peace with your Past so that it doesn't spoil your Present
*What Others think of you is none of your business
*Time Heals almost Everything. Give the time, some time.
*No one is the reason of your Happiness except you yourself
*Don't compare your life with others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
*Stop thinking too much. It's alright to not know the answers.
*Smile. You don't own all the problems in the world.


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Great journal today! When I lived in Japan, our fridges were smaller than here. Same thing in France and Switzerland. Shop daily, shop fresh, and don't super-size. Our fridges get bigger, our pantries get bigger, our houses need more storage space, our freezers are huge, and strangely enough, so are we! ;-) You're being good to you, shopping only for what you need, wasting less, supporting local business, and walking there! Keep on doing what you're doing! 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: WonderWoman6806
Love the list! I'm guilty of overstocking my house with food, visiting several stores to get everything I "want". I was raised in a home where the cupboards, fridge and freezer were always full - there was a multitude of choices for entire meals at our fingertips at any given time. So, not surprisingly, that is how I have modeled my own home. I have toyed with the concept of "downsizing" the pantry and have had varying degrees of success. I tend to be the person who buys the replacement jar or bag or box of whatever before it runs out. Why, though? Because we can't live without peanut butter for a day? Running out of mayonnaise will cause my world to collapse? Interesting subject you've raised today! It's certainly given me "food for thought".  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: evelyn64
@Wonderwoman - thank you. Yeah, I actually had that thought 'hmm... with all the supersizing of quantity we've supersized ourselves'. We are a byproduct of our own worst design. I'd been considering the bigger fridge and my husband is always trying to get me to buy a deep freeze. Crazy. On the other hand; at least 3 or 4 times a year I have to discard items from the freezer that have been there 'too long'. So what's wrong with THIS picture?  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Evelyn - I know, same here. And for the pantry, I'm noticing as I started cooking fresh it's requiring much more dusting than restocking but I too bought everything in THREE'S. This was a necessity when we lived in the country and NO WAY I wanted to hear 'what do you mean we're out of (coffee, toilet paper, bread) but yeah, this fresh meat, produce, fridge over flowing and food on the verge of expiration because I'm 'saving money to buy in bulk' etc., well, something needed to change. I'm liking it. 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
Same here. Especially if things are on sale. Who needs 4 bottles of ketchup? I have kind of quit shopping the big stores and stick to the local Aldi's and a corner meat market by my house. Go there about 3 x week. I do still need to hit the Krogers every couple weeks for the carbmaster yogurt though.  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: cjmurph
Great journal Bella, Great list too. I love the idea of (you) shopping locally like that, knowing what a 'foodie' you have become. Shopping locally and using whatever is available rather than looking for specifics will make your meals varied and unusual I am sure. Lots of 'food for thought' in your journal today. Your sunshine today is definitely reflected in your attitude, you sound so bright and happy. Enjoy your day :) 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: sarahsmum
I'm envious that you have a market within walking distance. We lived in London when my boys were little & I walked everywhere -- it was safer for everyone to have me off the roads LOL! I love my home here, but have always missed that there's nothing within walking distance, except other homes. Good for you for adding this new element to your daily routine. I'm so happy to have cleaned out my pantry recently, but have to keep reminding myself (the healthy food hoarder) to not overbuy anymore! xoxox 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: Ruhu
P.S. Love the 7 Logics & new profile pic! 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: Ruhu
@CJ - yep, esp with a store only 2 blocks away and we only get 'iced in' maybe one day a year. You know, the reason I'm challenging myself to shop everything from there is also to get away from my 'misperception' that I actually NEED that specialty brand food. I find *I* have brainwashed myself into having to consume certain foods. Breaking this cycle is going to interesting for me. 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Isabel - yeah, in this case, I know fresh isn't always fresh at the store but at least it will be a little more fresh than sitting in my fridge for a week or two. Yep, sunny day = sunny attitude for me. LOVE this weather even though everyone else is complaining it's too hot. 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
@Angel - thank you, I thought my little yoga girl was a cutie :-) I was reflecting on how I finally remembered to 'embrace' my urban living again. I'd really enjoyed it when we first relocated here but as the weight came back I walked less and less. Interesting how those two events coincided in a 'which came first.. the chicken or the egg' thought. A few times I would DRIVE to this market, when I was too heavy to walk it comfortably, and then go 'geez, I still have to go elsewhere for the rest of the stuff'. So it's been an evolution for both sides; they are stocking more of a selection and I'm narrowing my 'needs' while widening my mind to different brands. I'm sure in the end they are a little pricier than the superstore but I'm a bean counter from way back and know the gas and risk saved by me not driving either plus the benefit of the extra walking is immeasurable to the few dollars more it costs for the food. 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
Man oh Man did you hit the nail on the head withyour journal...love the list and love the fact you like to paint..it really is a stress reliever...not to self..get back to painting..its a good thing...have a great day girl...:O)..Also I have to agree with you..we have a small grocery store close by...so I don't always go 12 miles into town as the cost of the gas alone will cost as much if not more of the prices.. 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: BHA
@Bren, thank you my friend. Yeah, after what now, three weeks?? the painted canvasses (canvasi?LOL) were stacking up so this morning I thought the same 'uh.. Bella.. they aren't masterpieces and you still got paint... repurpose them. Paint over them. All things in moderation includes the hobby, kiddo... use it again! 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: FullaBella
Loved the journal. I wish I had a market within walking distance!!!  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: jaime30024
Bella I love this journal. You sound so relaxed and "in charge" of your life. I'm in a pathetic state now for the new me. So it isn't totally pathetic just not my new and improved self. What I mean is I am not winning the fight to delete certain foods from my menu. *sigh*. Glad I'm able to read and learn from you today.  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: Neptunebch
So true! We are such creatures of habit. I go grocery shopping probably 3-4 times a week so I can get the fresh stuff on a regular basis. I would prefer to go less and if I could pre-plan our dinners better this could happen, but oh we'll. I don't like a very full fridge anyways. Good on you Bella...your "stopping to smell the roses" journals are helpful!  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: Josie Ann
Ooo, Bella! I LOVE #2 and #6 the best of all! Thank you for posting these. I can add one more for fun, if you don't mind...I got it from DH: "Remain Calm...there's plenty of time to panic later..." 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: Baxie
Oh, and I love your thoughts about daily marketing. Reminds us all of simpler times, does it not? 
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: Baxie
Great journal. Maybe go to lowes and buy a spinach plant for your garden :-)  
13 jun. 13 por el miembro: 2toofat
I love your journal ...so encouraging. There is so much more than excess weight to shed. 
14 jun. 13 por el miembro: sharonfriz


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