Diario de melissatwa, 22 jul. 20

I am going to record my weight again every day. I hate it... the ups and downs get so frustrating, but it helps me keep accountable. After nearly a year of "maintenance" it is still a daily challenge. Maybe it will get easier someday!

Here are the slowest maturing roses I have. Lots of drizzle this morning. I would rather have sunshine, but raindrops on roses are some of my "favorite things!"

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Gorgeous with the rain drops🥰 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: jcmama777
I did it again Mel. love it. thank you.  
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: one.point.O
Beautiful flowers, I'm happy that it will be a little cooler today. You are doing amazing, you've got this!  
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: dhatura
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: fiwoay
If I could, I’d steal a bunch and tell you after the fact. You have so many, perhaps you wouldn’t notice anyway. 😉 🌹 That first one full of dew is absolutely so clear and gorgeous! I love your buds and blooms!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: wifey9707
Beautiful! I get frustrated when I weigh every day. I start to obsess. I'm down to twice a week. My nutritionist would like it if I did once a week but can't go that long... Do what's comfortable for you. Have a great day!💜 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: Diana 1234
I love raindrops on flowers 😊💕 Hubby teases me when he sees me still weighing & measuring. When you've worked hard to achieve your goal you don't want to lose ground. You're doing great Melissa! I say do whatever it takes to stay as consistent as possible.  
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: SherryeB
The ups and downs are the craziest thing and it is so good to hear you comment on them and stay the course. They often make no sense. Or staying at the same weight for days in a row - what's up with that? I know some people can weigh only once a week but what if the one day you weigh is the day that you are randomly up a bunch; I don't think I could take it. 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: Joelmel
Thank you, JC and #One! dhatura, thank you, dear. But, neighbor girl, I was not ready for clouds. Give us our sun back!!! Thank you fiwoay! Not as beautiful as your mountains!😊 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa
Wifey, I would so happily give you dozens... No need to be a thief! 😁 Sadly... They don't ship well.😢 Diana, thank you! I have been back and forth and up and back on this. I've been weighing nearly every day for a long time, and a recorded daily here for a couple months to get my discipline back when I was tempted to slip. When I started hard back on lifting, it got tougher to stay level and... I used that as a good reason to not record daily. But, I got a little sloppy with my eating then. Blah... Sounds like a couple times a week is a good fit for you!  
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa
That is exacly it, SherryeB! We have worked so hard that to see things move in a wrong direction is terrifying! Thank you for your support! I am trying so hard... Most of the time. I just still need the tools here to keep me stable. Joelmel! You understand for sure. One 10 day period I was the same exact weight for 7 days... It was insane, but then it can be three up and down daily with extra workouts, heat, big meal, late meal, salty meal, etc... But, I still know I am more attentive when I am recording daily... I just am! So, for at least a while... I'm back at it. 😩 When I was at the losing stage, I would weigh once a week, but in maintenance, I tend to need to keep a sharper eye on what is going on. Thanks for your encouragement! 😁  
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: melissatwa
How pretty with the drops on them! As a daily weigher- I know exactly what you mean- as you know. ;) 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: davidsprincess
Weigh daily & look at weekly averages. This will smooth out up & downs. Daily numbers are irrelevant. The trend is much more important!! 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: sk.17
The rose with the drops are gorgeous.  
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: tatauu22
🌹🌹they are beautiful 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: Tosh Melody
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: John10251
I absolutely love your pink roses. Also I impressed you have been able to maintain your weight for a year now. You are my inspiration for sure. You go girl! 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: Roxy Marie
I am impressed I meant to say. I hate when I do that. Lol Have a great evening! 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: Roxy Marie
So, so breathtakingly beautiful, Melissa! 💗 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: lonniehuffman
Beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing! 
22 jul. 20 por el miembro: kattay


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