Diario de melissatwa, 20 jun. 21

Happy Father's Day! My husband and I cooked together with a couple of our kiddos. All five were home to celebrate! It was really fun! we had shrimp pasta with homemade Alfredo sauce, mushrooms and garlic fried in lots of butter. It was not a low calorie day! It was a rest day! No pictures of the food, but I took these photos of some of my roses blooming today. They are zero calorie enjoyment!

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Such beautiful roses M 🌹🌹🌹 So jelly snd glad to hear your fam enjoyed Father's Day 👍 
20 jun. 21 por el miembro: sk.17
Amazingly wonderful 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: LambiePi
Love that purple one. 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: Kenna Morton
Me, too, Kenna! The purples are my favorites here. Lovely! Glad you guys had a great day! 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: davidsprincess
Sounds nice. So great all the kids were w u. 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: br_e_co
Simply marvelous!! 💕💕💕💕 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: Gib_GJ
Such gorgeous colors, thank you for sharing pictures. Made my morning extra special. 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: Naina72
my mother would have loved your garden such beautiful colors you have your own rainbow that you made congratulations 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: ridemariel
Gorgeous!! Simply Gorgeous!!👏👏👍 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: bgr12
Oh Melissa, that Father's Day meal sounds amazing. 😋 How wonderful you made it together with your family. ❤ And thank you for sharing your beautiful roses! They radiate beauty, just like their care taker. ❤ 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: _bec_ca
These roses are amazing! 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: love2educate
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: jslb80
Your meal sounds devine...just like those gorgeous (Always!) roses 🌹🥀 
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: SherryeB
Such lovely colours! Your father's day together sounds awesome too.  
21 jun. 21 por el miembro: Nikina70
Beautiful flowers. But what about the kitties? How many calories do they eat a day? 
22 jun. 21 por el miembro: LaughingChevre
Roses are beautiful 🌹, my mom used to have a rose garden. 
22 jun. 21 por el miembro: cmj29
Thank you so much everybody!!! I was so glad we could have a nice day. 😁 Am so grateful for my roses. They are a lot of work, but they give and give and give back.  
22 jun. 21 por el miembro: melissatwa
Kenna and Princess, that purple is my favorite too! Well, I struggle, because I love all my bushes for one reason or another, but that one is just wonderful! The blossoms are massive! Typically about 8 inches across when fully open. They smell so beautifully fragrant. It seems to be a bit more resistant to fungus than some of my others too! Just the perfect rose bush! 😁  
22 jun. 21 por el miembro: melissatwa
LaughingChevre, I don't know how many calories a day my little brats consume, but I'm telling you, if they don't get about five meals a day they have lots of complaints! 😁  
22 jun. 21 por el miembro: melissatwa
I met a very hungry cat today, Melissa. He was hanging around a restaurant staring at a couple seated at a table, and I happened to have cat food with me, so I opened it and he rushed over. Then he kept following me. There wasn't anymore after the second feeding and I think he was disappointed. 
22 jun. 21 por el miembro: LaughingChevre


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