Diario de melissatwa, 15 ago. 21

Two years ago I reached my goal weight. I started here on FatSecret in January 2019, with very little hope. Yet, I dreamed of reaching my typical late teens/early twenties/wedding weight. August, 2019, I reached the goal that seemed impossible to me. After having many babies (up to 220 pounds for a couple of them) and struggling with my weight for more than 25 years, I wanted to have a change that would last. My "before" picture here is about 185 pounds, since I had already lost some before taking "progress" photos.

I am so grateful that, with the help of my FS family and my own dear family, I am maintaining pretty close to the weight and fitness level I want. I can not ever for a moment become complacent or take for granted the progress made. It takes constant focus to keep to the new habits that are still in their infancy.

One of my maintenance goals is to fit into my 1993 wedding dress each year for my FS "anniversary." My youngest daughter took some pictures of me today in the old thing and in a couple new desses. :)

I got a two piece swim suit, Katsolo! For the first time in my whole life, I am going to show my tummy in public!

The last pictures are with my dear husband. One taken last month and the other three years ago in Vienna.

I am stronger now thanks to friends here who have helped me so much with answering questions about lifting, eating, and for being my inspirations. Chris, Diablo, and Princess, I am so incredibly grateful for you! Thank you to all of my dear friends here who inspire me and help me and encourage me... when I am down and sure I can't keep going. Thank you for your patience and understanding and love!

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melissatwa, you're a stone cold FS Superstar! I need to learn to maintain. Having an annual, tangible goal like fitting into your wedding dress is just brilliant. Thanks for sharing that. 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: gastropod
Melissa you are much to modest! It’s been great sharing month to month info and struggles with you and other Superstar’s here! Great timeline photos! We gain, we loose, we learn and splurge from time to time but through it all we gain confidence in our abilities! Well done indeed! Pat yourself on the back, throw that two piece on, and enjoy some sunshine with your Hubby! 💪💪 Be Blessed! 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: 66Pack
beautifulllllllll ❤️ 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: AdaOke
Another successful FS maintainer. Congratulations!!! If you can do it so can I. 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: deelbee
Good job, one more year 👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: EvaSieteTres
It isn't easy sticking to this lifestyle after decades of bad habits but you're showing us all how it's done! Looking great in the dresses and that flex shot on the left is awesome! 💪 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: -Diablo
awesome job 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: ridemariel
We are family. FS family that is 🙌🙌🙌 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: PinayRN
Beautiful photos. Great work. 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Baileysmomee
Well done Melissa. You are beautiful! 💖 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: wifey9707
Amazing journey! 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: br_e_co
Gorgeous! Wonderful transformation 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Gib_GJ
Excellent work!  
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: jimmiepop
So fit and strong! 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: erikahollister
Beautiful testimony Sweet Melissa. 💖 Your photos are truly a reflection of your hard work and perseverance. Good job my friend. Good job. 💖 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: _bec_ca
You look happy-great. 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Siegels
Hey you looked great even in your before picture, now you’re just a knockout and happier! Blessings!💕 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Shrewdness
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Maine coon
You are beautiful inside and outside Melissa! You look beautiful in your wedding dress( I've been afraid to try mine on..) and I love seeing your hubby! You are going to rock your 2 piece bathing suit! You have so much to be proud of, thanks for sharing with us!!💜💜💜💜💜 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Diana 1234
Awesome, very happy for you. 
16 ago. 21 por el miembro: Tai_1-9


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