Diario de FullaBella, 18 nov. 13

Monday - November 18th. While I do certainly miss DH (moved from ICU to a regular room yesterday and likely home tomorrow) I do like this quiet house in the morning. No TV competing for my thoughts as I sip my coffee and try to think about my journal.

Not the best of eating yesterday; it started out really well with what I considered to be a ideal model of mindful eating but hit the wall last night. The good: brunch at Cracker Barrel with my SD after visiting DH in ICU. I'd ordered eggs, sausage and pancakes and found my hunger satisfied with only 1/2 a pancake and 2 eggs and 1 sausage patty and stopped eating. The 'old B' would have said 'eh, what the heck, you've already had 'some', may as well stuff it all down and call it a day' but the 'better B' said 'no need to do that.'

After that I came home and cleaned up the storage room again. Three hours of lifting, moving and labeling and I still have a few boxes to go through again but much better. I felt hungry again so I had a small cup of my homemade chili heated on the gas stove by candle light because we lost power for over two hours when someone hit a utility pole and wiped out electricity for half the town. Seriously, one pole takes out that many homes? That's a bit vulnerable.

I'd considered going back and visiting with DH for that time but did not want to leave while the 5 or so police officers on shift at that time were handling all of the accidents due to no traffic signals. In the event that some yo-yo decided to start looting downtown businesses during our small town emergency I needed to be here and hold down the fort. So Mushy and I sat out back on the deck with the door opened and listened for sounds of 'breaking and entering'. The weather was sunny and temperatures mid 70's so it was the perfect time to have to endure 'no power'.

My SD next door asked 'are you okay?' and I said 'yep, but one more hour and we start eating the ice cream...' and about that time the power came on but I still ignored Karma's message and had ice cream and cake at bed time. I slept well. Didn't really even remember it until I was tidying the kitchen this morning and saw the bowl. Ah well. We live to continue improving another day, right?

I'm going to do it, finally, yep, yup, here we go. I'm going to get a Keurig so I would appreciate some opinions and suggestions from my friends here. Model blah blah and how you like it. I've said 'this is the year' since January and we're heading into year end. Time to wrap up that resolution.

And - I'm considering a fridge with 'french doors'. I've had 'side by side's for a long time and I really like the idea of a wider drawer type freezer at the bottom instead so I'd appreciate, again, the testimony and opinions from my real live not paid actor friends.

Speaking of friends, while you folks are truly fabulous with the way you come here, read my rambling venting whining inane insane journals and always comment and support me and leave me feeling much better... one of my RL 'friends' received what I consider 'strike three' this weekend. I'm just using that as a lead in. I forgave her and moved on because I don't wish to hold anger in me, I understand resentment adds ten pounds. But I need to vent this one out as it's been churning for a couple of days and even my practiced breathing isn't expelling it from my thoughts. Journaling usually clears this kind of thing for me so here goes.

If you recall this is my 'Business Colleague Friend' - the BCF who gave me a blouse far too small on my birthday that was likely a regift with the comment 'oh, I thought you said you'd lost weight'? I don't mind regifting, I'm all about repurposing but I probably haven't been that size since I was 8 years old. So I repurposed it as a cleaning rag for my paint brushes.

Anyway, this was the same BCF who's always pushing their dead inventory on us when they need money. They take advantage of their relationship with DH as well as his 'male pride' that stops him from wanting to say 'uh, no' because apparently with men the illusion of disposable cash is directly related to virility or something.

The point is, they claim to be 'friends' yet the ONLY time they come here under the guise of 'visiting' is when they are dumping thousands of dollars of their dead weight on us. They are a 45 minute drive from us and while they will travel up to six states away to do trade shows they act as if we are at the other end of the world. Until they need money, that is.

So they were the people trying to 'dump inventory' on us again and had planned to bring it out Sunday (in my journal last week where I vented that we were bleeding cash from every outlet here with the BiPap, bed and preneed and I just couldn't have it. )

Well, I could have it but I didn't WANT to have it. So to give both of us a graceful exit when I returned their call I began the conversation with 'wow, we've spent the equivalent of a European Vacation this week ... seems like everyone I'm dealing with is trying to take advantage of me financially... I'm so glad to be talking to someone who doesn't want anything from me' because the conversations about the inventory dump had all been with DH and I was feigning 'frazzled ditz'. But she got the message and I didn't have to say it direct.

So what's the 'strike three' if you're curious and still reading? She phoned Saturday and said 'DH called us, we didn't know he was in the hospital.' And I said 'yeah, we're so tired of sending out the Bat Signal every time he rides to the ER we've instituted a new plan. When he wakes up, he'll phone and tell folks. If he doesn't wake up, I will.'

You know that cliched 'if there's anything we can do, let us know' people offer? Usually I say, 'thank you, I will' but NEVER do (ask for anything) because the few times I have I was disappointed. I must really be a hard person to please I guess.

But living on faith as I do, I tried again. It was Saturday, gloomy, I'd had a hard week of course and I was a little bit 'lonely' for real live conversation with 'a friend'. My GOOD real life friend was gone to the theater with the tickets. I was fine with that.

So to my BCF in response to her 'anything ...' I said 'come on out and visit. I've just made a huge pot of homemade chili and I'll put on some coffee. '

Her response? "That's too far to drive for a bowl of chili.'

I tried give her another chance and said 'you don't know that, you've never had my homemade chili. My customers at the restaurant (back in the day I earned a living cooking) used to say they'd been looking forward to my chili three states away.'

Again, she said no. So I guess if there isn't thousands of dollars of cash waiting here for her, we're just not worth the 45 minutes it takes to come visit 'their FRIENDS.' So forgiven, but definitely off the Christmas card list in Bellawood. Well, I don't send Christmas cards but you get the idea.

Anyway, time to get Mushy her pill, dress and go visit DH before I come back and open the shop. Another day begins and I need to get in the game. Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me. Hope you have a wonderful day.



Morning Bella, glad that DH is improving enough to come home tomorrow; so glad you found a graceful way to tell your BCF that you weren't taking their inventory and I am sure you are actually glad now that she didn't take up your invite to come for chili. Some people you are better off without but I do hear you that sometimes we get lonely and any company, even bad company, is good. But at least you know where you stand now. And although you have spent a lot of money lately, you saved some this week-end by not taking their crap/stuff. And so you ate some crap you didn't need. Under the circumstances, I am surprised that's all you ate. I know you've forgive yourself, it's done, it's over, today is a new day. I hope you find DH in good spirits. Give Mushyface a scratch from me.  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: sarahsmum
Good news that hubby can come home tomorrow. BCF is definitely a fair weather friend whose offer of "anything" was obviously an empty gesture she hadn't expected you to take her up on. As for the French door fridge recommendations, we bought one when we moved here 6 1/2 years ago. We bought a GE Profile model because we were taking advantage of hubby's GE employee discount. I don't know if it's just that "they don't make 'em like they used to" but I haven't been overly impressed with its durability. A few years ago, we had to replace the frame that the veggie drawers slide on (I seem to recall it cost somewhere around $130 for that piece of plastic crap and it wasn't even the entire apparatus, only part of it that we had to figure out how to remove the old part and install the new one ourselves). Then, earlier this year, the motherboard got fried along with some relay for which we called a repairman. $600 later it was working again. And somewhere around the same time as that fiasco, I noticed that the latch on one of the doors broke. I checked out the replacement part on the net - you can't buy just the latch because it is attached to the seal so you have to purchase the whole apparatus - and it cost close to $200 so I said I'll live with a door that we have to make sure is closed all the way. So, basically, if we had paid for that last part, we would be close to $1000 in replacement parts which is more than half of what we paid for the whole fridge!!!! So I don't recommend the GE Profile fridge. There may be some more reliable brands out there but I am sure they are the more expensive ones, too. On a side note, we have an old Fridgidaire frost free fridge in our basement that used to be our regular fridge before we moved. It is probably 20 years old and we haven't had any issues with that at all. So much for "new and improved".  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: evelyn64
Isn't it odd to find out who your REAL friends are at a time when you really need them? So now you know, she isn't a real friend, but a business acquaintance and not a very good one at that. Might be time to sever that business associate and find another dealer with better merchandise, anyway. Some people are so phoney, two-faced, and mercenary when it comes to business... feigning friendship when its really about the dollar. Well, screw her and the horse she rides in on. Happy your DH is on the mend again. Hugs to you all and Mushyface too. 
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: Mom2Boxers
Caught up on some journals, sorry to see DH in the hospital again. Glad he seems to be on the mend, though if he's headed out of ICU! Yay for the Keurig. I looooove mine. If i bought one now, I'd maybe get the VUE which is the fancier version - it makes things like lattes and mochas for you with a 2 pack thing, one is a frother and one is the coffee blend. They are a bit pricier for the machine and the k-cups, though. I think mostly there isn't much difference between other models other than the mini, which you have to refill for every cup. Others have bigger reservoirs for water so you refill less which is the main difference. Also, if you like regular coffee grounds instead of the k-cups, the resuable cup is only like $15 and then you just put regular coffee grinds in it. You might know all of this already, but I'm a good spokesperson as I recently got our boss to get us a keurig for the office :) So figured I'd give my 2 cents. 
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: Bkeller1023
Bella - I have been so absent and didn't know about DH. My thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope he recovers nicely and you are able to drown out the sound of the TV with the deliciious coffee you are making for yourself with the Kuerig! 
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: RiverRes
SO happy to hear DH is out of ICU and likely heading home. Your "friend" story rings true for me at times, too. People can be insensitive idiots ...forgiveness is wonderful but being aware of them and whether you can count on them is more valuable.  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: HCB
Lovely Bella, im in California but I want to cme for some chili! And work in the shop! As for fair weather friends, ha! Id throw out that paint brush rag, just dont keep it around to annoy you. Just looking at it will remind you of THAT person, and they arent worth your time or energy. You are such a kind and good hearted person and the reason I have continued to give FS an effort. I dont have many friends, but the few are solid. I consider you one of my solids.....and healthy for me too! You enjoy your day. Too.......whens the last time you had cake and ice cream? Arent we allowed a little indulgence now and then? Lets figure out how to grow chocolate flvored celery and peanut butter carrot. What do you think? Hehehe. 
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: PKs Grammie
Bella, strike three was probably a blessing. Could you have imagined what self-centered conversations you would have endured from BCF if she had taken up your offer of chili?  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: 2ManyCurves
Sounds like BCF just had that knee jerk " anything we can do ' response. I do understand that loneliness. I have to deal with that more or less on a daily basis. When my DH and I moved here almost 20 yrs ago, I left behind my only good friend. I take that back, she is one of my best friends, which I can say I have 2. Both are in different states. I can give them a call, or message them on Facebook, or send an email. I have friends around here that I have made since we came here, but I call them friends, or an acquaintance. I have no 'real, good" friends. Every on of them, if I ask them to stop by, or if they want to go shopping, or do something, they always have something else they have to do. But boy when its something they want , that's different. I just don't fit with the group. Oh well. They can all kiss my tuckus!! Glad to hear that your DH is out of ICU, adn that you continue to have great "eating out" control! I think I would have used the shirt also as a rag. Helps with the feelings toward said person. Kind of like, here's what I think of you and your snotty present!! I have been wanting a Keurig myself, and haven't been able to get the hubby to agree about it yet. Hope you have a good finish to your Monday. ((hugs)) Sending you good squeezie electronic hugs and keeping you both in prayer!!  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: pumakitten
You are mahvelous dahling, simply mahvelous! And I mean that from the bottom of my heart which is deep inside me. Golly, Bella, you sorted BCF very nicely. It's a pity she couldn't see her own opportunity to truly be present to a marvelous woman. It is hard, though, to be such a giving person, a person making internal shifts on an hourly basis, and to still be surrounded by those who are stagnant. Keep flying, dear Bella, the other eagles will soon be in sight and you will have plenty of company on "off" days as well as "on" days. Hang in there, dearest, you are making huge strides. Much love & admiration, Ce  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: Sweet Ce
I have a whirlpool gold gallery version- so unimpressed. And that friend is no friend at all. I wouldn't use my free cell phone minutes on her- ugh that just makes my blood boil and she's not even my friend. I guess I've had a friend show her true colors to me in the midst of our tragedy and I'm still mad about that- so mad enough for two. Good friends are hard to find ! 
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: sharonfriz
((((Bella)))) Sheesh. About appliances, mine are 11 years old. Enjoy your new toys when you decide.  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: ClassicRocker
I just don't know what to write to you with everything you've been handling. Just know I wish you calm and peace as you go through these days. As for refrigerators....we have our first French door frig as of about 4 years ago when we moved into this house. It's a Kenmore Elite and it has worked great. H-o-w-e-v-e-r....if we were to replace it, I think we'd go back to a side-by-side, or at least give it a serious look, as neither DH nor I am fond of having to stand on our heads to rummage through the contents of the freezer. (Plus, the ice bin is just way too convenient for our ice-gobbling canine - LOL!) I know the FDs are all the rage, but I guess I'm just not all that impressed. Maybe the wider shelves on top would persuade us to get another FD style, but, right now, we're in the side-by-side camp.  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: Sandy701
Sweet angel, I'm so glad DH is improving & hope it's a smooth transition to have him home again! I have a Keurig & absolutely love it -- wouldn't trade it for anything! I'm sorry about you IRL , not such a good friend, friend. Sounds like she's not a keeper! But you certainly are, so keep coming here! Xoxox 
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: Ruhu
Oh Bella, sorry about that stupid non-friend of yours, glad you are going to give her the boot, she doesn't deserve your friendship, not one bit! Still sad to lose a friend, but glad you were able to see that she wasn't much of one.. As for the Keurig, I think that we got the "Keurig K65 Single Serve Brewer, Special Edition" as a wedding present - not entirely sure that's the model, but the picture online looks like ours! :) We do love it, sorry I can't help you out with the fridge, we just have a standard old one.. :)  
18 nov. 13 por el miembro: erika2633
Well its about time you got rid of the person in question...Who needs a friend like that...Sure wish I cold have a bowl of your chili...I'm sure its super...and I would also love to share a cuppa with you...As for the frig...you will love the side by side...you can see the stuff in the freezer much better and the shelves are a nice...So go for it...Hugs...:O) 
19 nov. 13 por el miembro: BHA
Glad to hear DH is doing better. Time to ditch the fair weather friend too.  
19 nov. 13 por el miembro: cjmurph
20 nov. 13 por el miembro: Rubie-sue


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