Diario de FullaBella, 09 jul. 14

So Wednesday, we meet again. The child in me wants to remind you you're nowhere near as cool as Friday and only slightly better than Monday. But the adult in me refrains and acknowledges at the very least you arrive on Massage day. Extra credit. Well played.

Yes, I'm in a ridiculously silly mood today. Punch drunk from lack of sleep. I crawled out of bed this morning aware that I was having pain on my right rib cage and slightly nauseous. So what did I do?

I climbed on the Treadmill, by golly. Yup, Philly, you can breathe easier knowing you get over a mile from me today. I didn't let my subconscious whiny wimpy body talk me out of working on #24 of the exercises mentioned in my journal yesterday. Such a timely 'drawing' from the box for this one.

Start working toward your goals every single day. – Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Whatever it is you dream about, start taking small, logical steps every day to make it happen. Get out there and DO something! The harder you work the luckier you will become. While many of us decide at some point during the course of our lives that we want to answer our calling, only an astute few of us actually work on it. By ‘working on it,’ I mean consistently devoting oneself to the end result. Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

So while I don't dream of being the Queen of Exercise I did make a commitment to Yo's challenge and consider it a blessing I don't need a thousand miles.

Then again, I may. As I shared with 2MC - this was likely mine from back in the day. Too bad you don't want to go to Law School instead. There's beer and I am platinum level when it comes to endless arguing. I didn't earn the label 'Bella the Bulldog' for nothing. But I suck at math. Ironic too as I held the title of Math Queen for 26 weeks straight in the Second grade. I guess I peaked too early.

Yesterday during the mani-pedi I'm trying to make a weekly ritual for taking care of myself the pedicurist commented 'you must exercise every day'. Now, that was a QUESTION not a command. LOL. She was referring to my very muscular legs. You know that part where they pound on the calves like a massage and all around the room it sounds like 'whap, whap, whap' on the other ladies legs? On mine it sounds like hitting tree trunks. "whump".

But I did think about the inflection of the sentence later. A little more emphasis on 'must' and it could have been the universe talking to me. And the pain this morning was it challenging if I planned to stick to my goals.

I really don't think exercise is my calling. This would be me in a marathon. This and the promise of the TShirt.

Yesterday someone here PM'd me and asked for help deciding what to eat. I probably didn't give the best answer and apologize because if you've known me for very long or managed to last thru a few of my journals you know I try to be mindful and eat what I love but love what I eat. And that doesn't mean subsiding on anything limiting or depriving.

In fact, these cartoons cracked me up ... because it's as if they read my mind. So I'm the last person to try to tell someone exactly how many grams of anything they should try to achieve or restrict.

And with that I mean protein, etc., not the other type of grams. Seriously, between money laundering tips on DK's journal and gram talk here, I'm going to acquire a whole new reading audience at the DEA/FBI and any other alpha soup of folks wondering what I'm up to.

See.. even when I talk law.. there's food involved. Soup anyone?

Totally kidding on the last one. I had a fabulous kitchen sink salad last night. KSS is when I take fresh spinach and add every other delightful thing I can find. Last night included yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, onions, pickles, and chicken breast. Fresh apple for bedtime snack.

The one thing I do want to ask my 'treadmill' buddies who may still be here (let me begin by blessing and thanking you for your dedication and patience) is: does your abdomen swell during and after your workouts? Or do I need to concentrate on my breathing?

I know, yesterday I was asking about speed (walking, not the drugs.. back off ) and today swelling. I'm just wondering. Because at the end of a session.. I kind of look like this:

Wrapping up. Thank you for staying through to the end and visiting with me. Thank you even for skipping around. Hope you enjoyed the cartoons ~ they made me laugh at during my sleeplessness.

Especially this one... I decided to hold off on it until I had a couple of cups of coffee under my belt and revisit.

Yeah, it still cracks me up.

Have a great day.


11 Seguidores    Apoyo   

No issues with bloat. Though your avatar won a place in my heart. And yes, you do have to breath or you'll passout. Try to keep your spine as straight as possible. From my past experience... need to keep the spine in total alignment or the possibility of TMJ or as I thought, heart issues. After the testing, was told by chiro and dentist... of course it's not your heart. Your form is bad when walking. So be mindful of your posture Miss Bells.  
09 jul. 14 por el miembro: ClassicRocker
Bella - THANKS for making me laugh aloud! I LOVE the bowl of bacon! Alas...protein but too much fat and sodium for me. Give Mushy a hug... 
09 jul. 14 por el miembro: HCB
3 days for you too, my friend & Angel... Sugar free for me & treadmill full for you... Soreness and all! Yeah for you! Hoping it hurts so good. And thanks for the reminder on my journal about my vaca coming up and sugar -- please keep them coming -- in addition to being my special friend, you also again have another role... Traffic director keeping me on the right highway! Xoxox 
09 jul. 14 por el miembro: Ruhu
Hello again! I think I need to READ all your posts since mid-May to now. Will be catching up! You continue to inspire me. Onward!!  
09 jul. 14 por el miembro: kclab
LOL Kathy - YES, I breathe - I'm wondering if I need to YOGA breathe (only in and out thru the nose) instead of in through the nose, out thru the mouth as I do when I'm walking. I do work very hard to stand up straight - the photo was illustrating the swelling stomach, not the slump. I'm not the most accurate writer... the pain was on my left side, not right.. and that was when I woke and crawled off the bed, not from walking.  
09 jul. 14 por el miembro: FullaBella
loved your cartoons!  
09 jul. 14 por el miembro: NowIunderstand
I agree with NowIunderstand - the cartoons are brilliant. I especially like the tweet ;-)  
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: Phooka
Bella, you are really getting some miles knocked down. I bet Philly is ecstatic too. I am happy that challenge or no challenge you are doing something great for your health. I don’t have any special tips, but I did read up on proper gait for jogging. There should be some tips for speed walking too. If I find a good article I will send it. KSS salad sounds really good. Keep up the great work. 
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: ChicaLean
Love the cartoons! You have inspired me today, I'm going to start working harder for my goals! I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm going to do something! 
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: SJacqueline
Love the cartoons, love your journal as always. Hope the massage relieves the aches and pains and lets you get a decent night's sleep.  
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: sarahsmum
PS: totally stole a couple of your cartoons for my Facebook page :) 
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: sarahsmum
I've never noticed any bloat before on a treadmill. Of course I doubt I would be able to recognize it now if I tried and I have horrible treadmill posture. Now I have to go home and reread your post because work is a pain and won't let me see the cartoons. 
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: Ms Elizabeth
@Chica - thank you for the PM w/the link for posture.. I must report I didn't make it to the Mill this morning .. I hate disappointing Philly but even though @Isabel the massage did help some w/the pain other things had me up most of the night so I'm even punchier drunkier than usual this morning. @All.. glad you like the cartoons.. whenever one makes me laugh out loud as I'm browsing the web I think 'my friends at FS, they get me, they'll like this too' so I share. Feel free to take as many as you want as I too have borrowed them from elsewhere.  
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: FullaBella
Haha, you're not eating while on the treadmill, are you? The treadmill doesn't cause bloating. LOL! unless of course you're guzzling water or food down while you walk. There's only 3 things I know of for sure that cause bloating: dying and being out in the sun for a while, starvation, or being pregnant. Well, there's a few more, I suppose, but not relevant in this case. Good job on the exercising!  
10 jul. 14 por el miembro: DairyKing


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